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Give reasons for
(a) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole.
(b) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues.
(c) We get a crunchy and granular feeling when we chew pear fruit.
(d) Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity.
(e) It is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut tree.


Answers (1)



a) Meristematic tissue cells divide continuously and have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm. As they are diving continuously they need not store food or waste products hence they lack vacuoles.
b) Sclerenchyma doesn’t contain intercellular spaces because its cell wall is lignified. These are densely packed and protect the plant and mechanical strength.
c) The crunchy and granular feeling upon chewing the pear fruit is because of sclerenchyma tissue. The sclerenchyma cells are of two types- fibres and sclereids. The sclereids give a crunchy feeling to the pear fruit because they provide support and harden the tissue
d) The branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity because of the presence of collenchyma which adds the property of flexibility.
e) It is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut tree because it is made up of sclerenchyma tissues which are dead cells. This gives rigidity and stiffness.


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