How can you apply green chemistry for the following :
(i) to control photochemical smog.
(ii) to avoid use of halogenated solvents in drycleaning and that of chlorine in bleaching.
(iii) to reduce use of synthetic detergents.
(iv) to reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel.
(a) Many techniques are used to reduced photochemical smog. If we reduce the primary precursors like NO2, the secondary precursors will be automatically reduced.
(b) Release of hydrocarbons and NO can be reduced by using catalytic converters in automobiles.
(c) Certain plants like Juniparus, Vitus, etc. can metabolise. No, hence, they should be planted.
(ii) Organic solvents are highly toxic, and hence, they should be used carefully. For bleaching cloth, is used rather than Cl2, viz. harmful.
(iii) Synthetic detergents are harmful; hence their daily use should be reduced, and instead, soap should be used, which is biodegradable.
(iv) CNG and LNG should be used instead of petrol and diesel oil because CNG and LNG are pollution-free.