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Q. 8.     What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration.

Answers (3)


Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration are mentioned below:

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

(i) It takes place in the presence of oxygen.

(i) It takes place in the absence of oxygen.

(ii) It involves the exchange of gases between the organism and its surroundings.

(ii) It does not involve exchange of gases between organism and surroundings

(iii) The end products are always carbon dioxide and water.

(iii) The end products vary.

(iv) Complete breakdown of glucose molecules takes place.

(iv) Partial breakdown of glucose molecules takes place.

(v) More energy is produced per molecule of glucose broken down.

(v) Less energy is produced per molecule of glucose broken down.

(vi) Takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria.

(vi) Takes place only in cytoplasm.

Anaerobic respiration takes place in some worms, waterlogged plants, yeast and some bacteria.


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Aerobic Respiration 

1. Takes place in the presence of oxygen. 

2. Occurs in mitochondria. 

3. End products are CO2 and H2o. 

4. A greater amount of energy is released. 

Anaerobic Respiration

1. Takes place in the absence of oxygen. 

2. occurs in cytoplasm. 

3. End products are alcohol or latic acid. 

4. A less amount of energy is released. 

Some organisms that use the anaerobic

Yeast, bacteria and in human muscles. 

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Nainsi kumari

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Aerobic organic  must be required oxygen in sufficient amount


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Anushka singh

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