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(a) Transition metals can act as catalysts because these can change their oxidation state.
How does Fe(III) catalyse the reaction between iodide and persulphate ions?
(b) Mention any three processes where transition metals act as catalysts.

Answers (1)

(a) Reaction between iodide and persulphate ions is :

\text {2I}^{-}+\text {S}_{2}\text {O}_{8}^{2-}\overset{Fe(III)}{\rightarrow}\text {I}_{2}+\text {2SO}_{4}^{2-}

Role of Fe(III) ions : 2Fe^{3+}+2I^{-}\rightarrow 2Fe^{2+}+I_{2}

2Fe^{2+}+S_{2}O_{8}^{2-}\rightarrow 2Fe^{3+}+2SO_{4}^{2-}

(b) (i)MnO_{2} acts as a catalyst : KClO_{3}\rightarrow O_{2}

(ii) Vanadium Oxide acts as a catalyst in contact process : SO_{2}\rightarrow SO_{3}

(iii) Finely divided iron acts as a catalyst in Haber's process : N_{2}+H_{2}\rightarrow NH_{3}

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