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An element X of group 15 exists as diatomic molecule and combines with hydrogen at 773 K in presence of the catalyst to form a compound, ammonia which has a characteristic pungent smell.
(a) Identify the element X. How many valence electrons does it have?
(b) Draw the electron dot structure of the diatomic molecule of X. What type of bond is formed in it?
(c) Draw the electron dot structure for ammonia and what type of bond is formed in it?

Answers (1)


(a) X is nitrogen (atomic number 7)
Electronic configuration: 2, 5
Valence electrons: 5


(c) Ammonia is NH3
N atom has the following Lewis structure:

It has three unpaired electrons, each of which can make a covalent bond by sharing electrons with an H atom.
Electron dot structure for ammonia:

It forms a covalent bond.

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