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Check what the result would have been if Sundaram had chosen the numbers
shown below.

    Q2. 632

Answers (2)


Let choosen number be abc then,

abc = 100a + 10b + c

cab = 100c + 10a + b

bca = 100b + 10c + a

The addition of all the above three, abc + cab + bca = 111(a + b + c) = 37 × 3(a + b + c), which is divisible by 37

here a = 6, b = 3, and c = 2

632+ 263+ 362= 1221= 37*33 i.e. divisible by 37.

Posted by

Pankaj Sanodiya

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Let chosen number be abc then,

abc = 100a + 10b + c

cab = 100c + 10a + b

bca = 100b + 10c + a

abc + cab + bca = 111(a + b + c) = 37 × 3(a + b + c), which is divisible by 37

here a = 6, b = 3, and c = 2

632+ 263+ 362= 1221= 37*33 i.e. divisible by 37.

Posted by

Pankaj Sanodiya

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