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Classify each of the following, as a physical or a chemical change. Give reasons.
(a) Drying of a shirt in the sun.
(b) Rising of hot air over a radiator.
(c) Burning of kerosene in a lantern.
(d) Change in the colour of black tea on adding lemon juice to it.
(e) Churning of milk cream to get butter.

Answers (1)


If a matter goes under a physical change its appearance might change but the substance of matter does not change.
In a chemical change in a chemical change either one of the substance changes and comes with new properties.
a) Drying of a shirt in the sun \RightarrowSubstance of shirt does not change\RightarrowPhysical change
(b) Rising of hot air over a radiator\RightarrowSubstance in air does not change\RightarrowPhysical change
(c) Burning of kerosene in a lantern\Rightarrow Kerosene goes under chemical reaction with oxygen\RightarrowChemical change
(d) Change in the colour of black tea on adding lemon juice to it\RightarrowBlack tea goes under chemical reaction\RightarrowChemical change
(e) Churning of milk cream to get butter\RightarrowSubstance in milk does not change\RightarrowPhysical change
(a, b, e) : Physical changes because there is no change in chemical composition, (c), (d) : Chemical changes because new substances are formed.

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