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Classify the following organisms based on the absence/presence of true coelom (i.e.,   coelomate, pseudocoelomate and acoelomate)

Spongilla,        Sea anemone,              Planaria,          Liver fluke

Wuchereria,    Ascaris,                       Nereis,             Earthworm,

Scorpion,         Birds,                          Fishes,             Horse.

Answers (1)

A coelomate has a body cavity between the body wall and the digestive tract. 

Pseudocoelomate has a fluid-filled body cavity between the endoderm and the mesoderm.

Acoelomates do not have a body cavity or a coelom.

Spongilla- acoelomate

Sea anemone- acoelomate

Planaria- acoelomate

Liver fluke- acoelomate



Nereis- coelomate

Earthworm- coelomate

Scorpion- coelomate

Birds- coelomate

Fishes- coelomate

Horse- coelomate

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