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Q3. Construct the angles of the following measurements:

                (iii)    15o

Answers (1)


Steps to construction to follow:

Step 1: Draw a ray OY.

OY ray

Step 2: Now, take O as a centre and take any radius, draw an arc AB which cuts OY at A.

Step 3: Take A as a centre, then with the same radius mark a arc that intersects the previous arc at B and Hence, the bisector OB is an angle of 60\degree.

step 2 aa

Step 4: Now, with A and B as centres, mark 2 arcs that intersect each other at X and we obtain the bisector of the angle XOY. Hence, the angle \angle XOY is an angle of 30\degree

Step 5: Now, with A and X as center and with same radius, draw arcs intersecting each other at E and we obtain the bisector of the angle \angle EOY. Hence, the angle \angle EOY  is an angle of 15\degree

bisector xyzaa

Thus, the angle of 15^{\circ} is obtained which is \angle EOY.


Posted by

Divya Prakash Singh

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