Q.5. Design an experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism.
AIM: To demonstrate hydrotropism in plants.
i. Plant a seedling in a vessel containing soil.
ii. Adjacent to the seedling put a porous pot containing water.
iii. Leave the set up for a few days.
iv. On examining the roots of seedlings it is observed that the roots bend towards the source of water and do not grow straight.
It confirms that the plant shows hydrotropism as the roots bend towards the porous pot of water. Hydrotropism is a plant growth response in which the direction of growth is determined by a stimulus of the gradient in water concentration.
1 Take a porous pot and fill it with water.
2 keep a few freshly germinated pea seedling in a dried sand.
3 As the water is not available in sand the root growing will bend towards porous pot filled with water.
4 you will observe a hydrotropic curvature of the root as it grows towards water
5 This bending of root show the movement as a response towards water.