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Electrical wires have a coating of an insulting material. The material, generally used is
(a) Sulphur
(b) Graphite
(c) PVC
(d) All can be used

Answers (1)


Ans. (c)

(a) Sulphur is insulating in nature. But it has a very low ignition temperature. Sulphur is also highly less ductile because it is a non-metal, which makes it difficult to give them the required shape. So it is not used as a coating material for an electric wire.
(b) Graphite: A graphite crystal comprises of layers of carbon molecules or sheets of carbon particles. Each carbon atom in a graphite layer is joined to three other carbon atoms by strong covalent bonds to form flat hexagonal rings. The fourth valence electron of every carbon atom is free to move. Due to the presence of free electrons in a graphite crystal, it conducts electricity.
So it is not used as a coating material for an electric wire.
(c) PVC or Polyvinyl chloride is an insulating substance. It does not allow electric current to pass through it. The electrical wires have a covering of PVC around them.

Therefore option (c) is correct


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