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Explain why the colour of \text {KMnO}_{4} disappears when oxalic acid is added to its solution in acidic medium.

Answers (1)

In an acidic medium, \text {KMnO}_{4} acts as an oxidising agent and itself converts to \text {MnSO}_{4}, which is colourless.

                                     \text {KMnO}_{4}+\text {3H}_{2}\text {SO}_{4}\rightarrow \text {K}_{2}\text {SO}_{4}+\text {2MnSO}_{4}+\text {3H}_{2}\text {O}+5\text {[O]}

                                           \\ \left [COOH +\left [ O \right ]\rightarrow 2CO_{2}+H_{2}O\right ]\times 5\\ \; COOH

\text {KMnO}_{4}+\text {3H}_{2}\text {SO}_{4}+5\binom{COOH}{COOH}\rightarrow \text {K}_{2}\text {SO}_{4}+\text {2MnSO}_{4}(Colourless)+\text {10CO}_{2}+\text {8H}_{2}\text {O}  

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