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4.  Fill in the blanks to make the following statements true:
                (i)     (–5) + (– 8) = (– 8) + (............)
                (ii)     –53 + ............ = –53
                (iii)     17 + ............ = 0
                (iv)     [13 + (– 12)] + (............) = 13 + [(–12) + (–7)]
                (v)     (– 4) + [15 + (–3)] = [– 4 + 15] + ............

Answers (1)


(i)     (–5) + (– 8) = (– 8) + (\underline{-5})

By the commutative property a+b=b+a

(ii)     –53 + \underline{0} = –53

0 is the additive identity. The number added to 0 gives the same number.
(iii)     17 + \underline{(-17)} = 0

By additive identity property.

(iv)     [13 + (– 12)] + (\underline{-7}) = 13 + [(–12) + (–7)]

By associative property (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
(v)     (– 4) + [15 + (–3)] = [– 4 + 15] + \underline{(-3)}

By associative property (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)

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