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Find out the false statement

(a) Aves are warm blooded, egg laying and have four chambered heart

(b) Aves have feather covered body, fore limbs are modified as wing and breathe through lungs

(c) Most of the mammals are viviparous

(d) Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are oviparous

Answers (1)

The members of bony fishes are oviparous or viviparous while mammals are viviparous and cartilaginous fishes, reptiles and amphibians are oviparous. Aves are also oviparous. They have four-chambered hearts filled with warm blood, bodies, covered with feathers, respiration by lungs and forelimbs modified into wings.

The correct answer is d)- Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are oviparous

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