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Q5.Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. .

Answers (1)


Here multiplication of 3 and B gives  a number whose unit place digit is B .

Possible value of B = 0 and 5

let B = 5 

3 * A  + 1 = CA

this is not possible for any value of A. 

Hence B = 0

Now  A * 3 = CA ( a number whose unit place digit is A itself when multiplied by 3) hence possible value of A = 5 and 0 

since AB is a two digit number A can not equal to 0.

hence A = 5 

A * 3 + 1 = CA

5 * 3 + 1 = 15

hence C = 1

A = 5, B = 5 and C = 1.

Posted by

Pankaj Sanodiya

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