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General electronic configuration of actinoids is \left ( n-2 \right )f^{1-14} \left ( n-1 \right )d^{0-2}ns^{2}. Which of the following actinoids have one electron in \text {6d} orbital?

(i) U (Atomic no. 92)

(ii) Np (Atomic no.93)

(iii) Pu (Atomic no. 94)

(iv) Am (Atomic no. 95)

Answers (1)

The answer is the option (i, ii) \text {U and Np} have one electron in \text {6d} orbital.

\text {92U}-5f^{3}6d^{1}7s^{2}

\text {93Np}-5f^{4}6d^{1}7s^{2}


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