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How will you distinguish 1^{\circ} and 2^{\circ} hydroxyl groups present in glucose? Explain with reactions.


Answers (1)

To distinguish between the 1^{\circ} and 2^{\circ} hydroxyl groups of glucose via the chemical method, presence of 5-OH groups can indicate. The reaction involves adding a few drops of a cone. H_2SO_4  in the presence of pyridine, this results in the formation of forms Penta-acetyl derivative. This also indicates that from 5-OH groups, one group is primary (1°) alcoholic while others are secondary (2°) alcoholic groups.

The other way to determine their presence is by oxidizing gluconic acid (Glucose) with HNO3, this forms a dicarboxylic acid named saccharic acid. The result indicates that only one of the -OH groups oxidized and formed the -COOH group and the rest of the secondary -OH groups are unable to oxidize due to the absence of drastic conditions.

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