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(i)Discuss the concept of hybridization. What are the different types of carbon atoms?
(ii) What is the type of hybridization of carbon atoms marked with a star?

Answers (1)

(i) The process of hybridization can be defined as the process that involves the intermixing of the orbitals with slightly different or similar energy levels in order to form new orbitals that have similar shapes and energy levels. These orbitals are known as the hybrid orbitals.

The valence shell of an atom is always hybridized. Additionally, the merging orbitals are of nearly similar energy or same energy. These orbitals do not form pie bonds.

(a) sp hybridization: Carbon compounds with triple bond i.e.C\equiv C have this type of hybridization.

(b) sp2 hybridization: Carbon compounds with a double bond i.e. C= C have this type of hybridization.

(c) sp3 hybridization: Carbon compounds with single bonds i.e. C - C have this type of hybridization.











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