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4.  The following figures have more than one line of symmetry. Such figures are said to have multiple lines of symmetry.

Identify multiple lines of symmetry, if any, in each of the following figures:



Answers (1)


The lines of symmetry of figures are:

(a)There are 3 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(b) There are 2 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(c)There are 3 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(d)There are 2 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(e)There are 4 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(f)There is 1 line of symmetry.

(g)There are 4 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

(h)There are 6 lines of symmetry. Thus, it has multiple lines of symmetry.

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