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In photosynthesis, 6 molecules of carbon dioxide combine with an equal number of water molecules through a complex series of reactions to give a molecule of glucose having a molecular formula C_6 H_{12} O_6. How many grams of water would be required to produce 18 g of glucose? Compute the volume of water so consumed assuming the density of water to be 1 \: g\: cm^{-3}.


Answers (1)


The chemical reaction involved is :

6CO_2 + 6H_2O \xrightarrow[Sunlight (6 \times 10 g)]{Chlorophyll}C_6H_{12}O_6 \: \: (180g) + 6O_2

To produce 18g of glucose, mass of water consumed = 108g

To produce 18g of glucose, mass of water consumed = \frac{(108g)}{(180g)} \times (18g) = 10.8g

Density \: of\: water=1\: g\: cm^{-3}

Volume \: of\: water = \frac{Mass\: of\: water}{Density\: of\: water}=\frac{(10.8g)}{(1gcm^{-3})}=10.8\: g\: cm^{3}

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