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In the following question, a statement of Assertion (i) followed by a statement of Reason (R) is given. Choose the correct option out of the following choices:

Assertion: For measuring resistance of an ionic solution an AC source is used.
Reason: Concentration of ionic solution will change if DC source is used.

(i) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion.
(ii) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is not correct explanation for Assertion
(iii) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(iv) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(v) Assertion is false but Reason is true.

Answers (1)

The answer is the option (i). Direct current will lead to electrolysis of the solution, which will change the concentration of ions in the solution. Use of Alternating current will prevent this from happening.

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