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Match items of column (A) with items of column (B)

(A)                                           (B)

(a) Naked seed                        (A) Angiosperms

(b) Covered seed                     (B) Gymnosperms

(c) Flagella                              (C) Bryophytes

(d) Marchantia                        (D) Euglena

(e) Marsilea                             (E) Thallophyta

(f) Cladophora                        (F) Pteridophyta

(g) Penicillium                        (G) Fungi

Answers (1)


  1. B, b- A, c- D, d-C, e-F, f-E, g-G


  1. Naked seed – Gymnosperm is a type of phanerogam and bears naked seeds.
  2. Covered seed – Angiosperm have seeds present inside their fruits.
  3. Flagella – Euglena is a eukaryotic, autotrophic organism that has cilia or flagella present on it.
  4. Marchantia – Bryophytes like Marchantia have a well-developed plant body without specialized vascular tissues.
  5. Marsilea – Pteridophyta like Marsilea has a well-developed plant body with specialized vascular tissues.
  6. Cladophora – Thallophyta like Cladophora does not have a well-differentiated plant body.

Penicillium – Fungi like Penicillium is a heterotrophic eukaryotic organism.

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