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Match the column (A) with the column (B)
(A)                                                                   (B)
(a) Parenchyma                                               (i) Thin walled, packing cells
(b) Photosynthesis                                           (ii) Carbon fixation
(c) Aerenchyma                                               (iii) Localized thickenings
(d) Collenchyma                                             (iv) Buoyancy
(e) Permanent tissue                                       (v) Sclerenchyma

Answers (1)


Answer: a- i, b- ii, c- iv, d-iii, e- v
a.Parenchyma are thin walled, packing cells. Their shape changes as per function. They are often present in soft parts of plant. b.Photosynthesis helps in the fixation of atmospheric Carbon. Photosynthesis is the process in which carbon dioxide and water is taken up by plant and converted to carbohydrates in the presence of sunlight.
c.Aerenchyma- provides Buoyancy. It is present in many aquatic plants. They have large air cavities that enable them to float in water.
d. Collenchyma are Localized thickenings. These cells are living, elongated and irregularly thickened at corners with less intercellular space. It allows easy bending of plant parts without breaking.
e.Sclerenchyma is a type of Permanent tissue. Permanent tissues has lost the ability to divide.. Sclerenchyma cells are dead, long, thin and narrow with thickened walls without any intercellular space. This tissue makes plant hard and stiff.





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