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Properties of the elements are given below. Where would you locate the following elements in the periodic table?
(a) A soft metal stored under kerosene
(b) An element with variable (more than one) valency stored under water.
(c) An element which is tetravalent and forms the basis of organic chemistry
(d) An element which is an inert gas with atomic number 2
(e) An element whose thin oxide layer is used to make other elements
corrosion resistant by the process of “anodising”

Answers (1)


a) Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) belong to alkali metals which are highly reactive due to their electropositive nature and these elements are so reactive that these are kept in kerosene so that they won’t react with oxygen or moisture in air. Sodium is found in group 1 period 3 and potassium is found in group 1 period 4. 
b) Phosphorous shows variable valency of 3 and 5. It is stored under water as it is highly
reactive when it comes in contact with air. Phosphorous is placed in group 15 period 3.
c) Carbon is tetravalent and it is the basis for all the organic compounds in nature. Carbon is placed in group 14 and period 2.
d) Helium is the inert gas with atomic number 2 and it is the lightest inert gas. Helium is placed in group 18 and period 1.

e) Anodizing is the process of making a thin layer of Al2­O3 on other elements to protect from corrosion. Aluminum is the main metal in that thin layer, it is placed in group 13 and period 3.

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