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Some halogen containing compounds are useful in daily life. Some compounds of this class are responsible for exposure of flora and fauna to more and more of UV light which causes destruction to a great extent. Name the class of these halocompounds. In your opinion, what should be done to minimize harmful effects of these compounds

Answers (1)

Uses of halogen containing compounds are as follows:

Dichloromethane is mainly used as a solvent. Although it can be used as a paint remover, finishing solvent, metal cleaner, propellant in aerosols, solvent in case of drug manufacturing, etc.

Trichloromethane is used as a fat solvent. However, it can be used as solvent for the iodine, alkaloids, and other substances.

Triiodomethane is used as an antiseptic.

But some compounds of this class are responsible for exposure of flora and fauna to more and more of UV light which causes destruction to great extent. These are as follows

(i) Tetrachloromethane

• CCl3 is released into the air and starts depleting the ozone layer in the atmosphere. As a result UV rays will come to the earth easily and humans will get affected. This will cause skin cancer, functional disorder, eye diseases, and also the damage in the immune system. These UV rays not only affect the human but also cause damage to plants, and other animals too.

(ii) Freons

• Freon-113, releases and will move to the top of the atmosphere. Here, it generates Cl atoms in order to damage the ozone layer. As a result of this depletion UV rays enter our atmosphere and become responsible for damage to a great extent.

(iii) p – p’ – Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)

• DDT can not be destroyed and removed from the atmosphere because it is not completely biodegradable. It is soluble in fats and creates a chain. When DDT goes to the body of a human, then it will affect the reproductive system.

In order to get rid of the harmful effects of the following substances, i.e., freons, hydrofluorocarbons, fluorocarbons, we should lower the use of these substances.

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