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Suggest suitable mechanism (s) for waste management in fertiliser industries.

Answers (1)


Fertiliser industries produce effluents and harmful gases as main wastes. These are artificially produced so a lot of energy is consumed to make them. These are biologically less absorbable and have a bad effect on human health.

A suitable mechanism for waste management is:

(i) For control of gaseous pollutants combustion equipment is used for pollutants that can be oxidized. The pollutants are exposed to a high temperature (1650°C) in the process.

(ii) Air pollutants and flammable compounds are controlled through the use of adsorption equipment. Adsorption equipment tries to absorb pollutants on its surface pores and by heating the adsorbents we can release them in a closed chamber and convert the harmful chemicals into less harmful chemicals.

(iii) Decrease the use of fertilizers and try to use natural manures for nutrients in the soil.

(iv) Try to have different crops in an area

(v) Leave the area for some time without any crops which helps in regaining nutrients in the soil.

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