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5. Tick True/False against the following statements.

        (c) Coke is almost pure form of carbon. (T/F)


Answers (1)




Coke is a nearly pure form of carbon produced by heating coal in the absence of air to remove volatile components. It is widely used as a reducing agent in metallurgical processes.


  1. When certain types of bituminous coals are burned to a high temperature without contact with air, they leave behind a solid residue called coke after the majority of the volatile components have been driven off.
  2. With only trace amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen, carbon makes up the majority of the residue.
  3. Coke almost exclusively contains carbon.
  4. Coke is a fuel that has a grey color, is hard and porous, and contains negligible amounts of impurities and carbon.
  5. It frequently serves as blacksmithing fuel.
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