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Which group of organisms are not constituents of a food chain?
(i) Grass, lion, rabbit, wolf
(ii) Plankton, man, fish, grasshopper
(iii) Wolf, grass, snake, tiger
(iv) Frog, snake, eagle, grass, grasshopper

(a) (i) and (iii)                       (b) (iii) and (iv)

(c) (ii) and (iii)                      (d) (i) and (iv)

Answers (1)


The flow of energy starting with one living being and then onto the next at various biotic levels forms a food chain. A food chain
portrays the feeding connections between the life forms within that ecosystem.

(i) Is the forest food chain
Grass — Rabbit — Wolf — Lion
A lion consumes a wolf, a wolf consumes a rabbit and a rabbit consumes grass for energy.
(ii) is an aquatic food chain in which grasshoppers cannot take part. Instead of grasshoppers, Zooplankton should have been given
Plankton — Zooplankton — Fishes — Man
(iii) Wolf, snake and tiger all are carnivores. There is no herbivore to eat grass in this chain. So the initial transfer of energy is missing.
(iv) Grass - Grasshopper - Frog - Snake - Eagle, is a proper food chain.

Therefore option (C) is correct.



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