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Which of the following statements are correct about the mechanism of this reaction?


(i) A carbocation will be formed as an intermediate in the reaction.
(ii) OH^{-} will attach the substrate (b) from one side and Cl^{-} will leave it simultaneously from other side.
(iii) An unstable intermediate will be formed in which OH^{-} and Cl^{-} will be attached by weak bonds.
(iv) Reaction proceeds through S_N1 mechanism.

Answers (1)

(i), (iv) are correct. As the given reaction is a tertiary halide, therefore S_N1 mechanism will be present and as an intermediate, carbocation is formed.

The SN1 mechanism is a two-step process that describes a nucleophilic substitution reaction in organic chemistry:

  • Step 2

    The carbocation reacts with the nucleophile to form the substitution product.

  • Step 1

    The bond between the carbon atom and the leaving group breaks, forming a carbocation and an anionic leaving group.

Here are some key points about the SN1 mechanism:

  • Carbocation

    The carbocation is a positively charged carbon atom with three bonds. It is sp2 hybridized and has trigonal planar geometry. 

  • Nucleophile

    The nucleophile attacks the carbocation's empty p orbital, forming a new bond and returning the carbon to tetrahedral geometry. 

  • Rate-determining step

    The rate-determining step of the reaction is determined by the electrophilicity of the leaving group. 

  • Racemic mixture

    The nucleophile can attack the carbocation from either side, resulting in the formation of both enantiomers. This leads to a racemic mixture of both enantiomers. 

  • Deprotonation

    The product of the second step is often positively charged, and a third deprotonation step is usually required to form the neutral substitution product.

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