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Which of the following statements is not correct?

(i) Copper liberates hydrogen from acids.

(ii) In its higher oxidation states, manganese forms stable compounds with oxygen and fluorine.

(iii) \text {Mn}^{3+}\; \text {and} \; \text {Co}^{3+} are oxidising agents in aqueous solution.

(iv) \text {Ti}^{2+}\; \text {and} \; \text {Cr}^{2+} are reducing agents in aqueous solution.

Answers (1)

The answer is the option (i). There is no liberation of hydrogen from acids when copper is added.

\text {Cu}+\text{2H}_{2}\text {SO}_{4}\rightarrow \text {CuSO}_{4}+\text {SO}_{2}+\text {2H}_{2}\text {O}

\text {3Cu}+\text{8HNO}_{3}\rightarrow \text {3Cu}(NO_{3})_{2}+\text {2NO}+\text {4H}_{2}\text {O}

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