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Why are the xylem and phloem called complex tissues? How are they different from each other?


Answers (1)


Tissues are of different types- simple and complex. A complex tissue consists of more than one type of cells having a common origin which coordinate to perform a common function. The xylem and phloem are called complex tissues because they are made up of different types of cells.
Xylem consists of four different types of elements-

  1. Tracheids                                                                       
  2. Vessels
  3. Xylem parenchyma                                               
  4. Xylem fibres
    Phloem also consists of four different types of elements-
  5. Sieve tubes                                                               
  6. Companion cells
  7. Phloem parenchyma                                              
  8. Phloem fibres
    The basic difference between xylem and phloem is-



It helps in the conduction of water and minerals.

It helps in the conduction of food materials.

The process of conduction is unidirectional, i.e., from roots to apical parts of the plant.

The process of conduction is bidirectional, i.e., from leaves to storage organs or growing parts or storage organs to growing parts of plants.

The conducting channels are tracheids and vessels.

The conducting channels are sieve tubes.

Most of the elements of the xylem i.e., tracheids, vessels and fibres are dead. Only xylem parenchyma consists of the living elements.

Most of the elements of phloem are living in nature i.e., sieve tubes, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma. Only phloem fibres are dead elements.

Xylem also provides mechanical strength to the plant.

Phloem performs no such function for the plants.


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