Write these in ascending and also in descending order.
In option A, you will look at the numerators, 1, 5 and 3.. Among these, 1 is the smallest, 3 is greater than 1 and 5 is greatest. So in ascendng order, going from smaller to bigger term, the answer will be 1/8<3/8<5/8 and descending order will be 5/8<3/8<1/8.
In option B, again, the denominator is same,i.e.,5, so you will again look at the numerators, so the ascending order will be 1/5<3/5<4/5<7/5<11/5 and descending order will be 11/5>7/5>4/5>3/5>1/5.
In option C, the denominator is 7 in all the terms, but 7/7 is equals to 1, which is the highest term so you will again look at the numerators, so the ascending order will be 1/7<3/7<11/7<13/7<1 and the descending order will be 1>13/7>11/7>3/7>1/7