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You are given leech, Nereis, Scolopendra, prawn and scorpion; and all have segmented body organisation. Will you classify them in one group? If no, give the important characters based on which you will separate these organisms into different groups.

Answers (1)

All of these organisms possess segmented body organisation but they do not belong to a single group of organisms. Leech and Nereis belong to phylum Annelida but Scolopendra, prawn and scorpion belong to phylum Arthropoda.

Annelids have a metamerically segmented body i.e., the body is divided into more or less similar types of segments and external segmentation corresponds to the internal segmentation i.e. body cavity is also segmented through septa. The locomotory organs present in them are suckers in case of leech and parapodia in case of Nereis. They possess a close blood vascular system and their excretory organs are nephridia.

Arthropods have jointed legs, open circulatory system, body is ocvered with chitin and  tracheal system for respiration.

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