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Q 14.13     You are given two circuits as shown in Fig. 14.38, which consist of NAND gates. Identify the logic operation carried out by the two circuits.


Answers (1)


a) A and B are inputs of a NAND gate and the output of this gate is the input of another NAND gate so,

                                                                            Y = \over(\overline {A.B})(\overline {A.B})

                                                                            Y=   \over(\overline {A.B})+\over(\overline {A.B})

                                                                             Y= AB

Hence this circuit functions as an AND gate.

b) A is input to the NAND gate output of which goes to the rightmost NAND gate. Also, B is input to the NAND gate whose output goes to the rightmost NAND gate.

                                                                       Y = \over \overline A .\overline B

                                                                      Y = \over\overline A . + \over\overline B.

                                                                      Y = A + B

Hence the circuit functions as an OR gate.

Alternative method

Construct the truth table by giving various inputs and observing the output




00 1 0
01 1 0
10 1 0
11 0 1

The above truth table is the same as that of an AND gate

fig. b

00 0
01 1
10 1
11 1

The above truth table is the same as that of an OR gate

Posted by

Pankaj Sanodiya

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