Which one of the following is wrong statement
Anabaena and Nostoc are capable of fixing nitrogen in free living state also.
Root nodule forming nitrogen fixers live as aerobes under free-living conditions.
Phosphorus is a constituent of cell membranes, certain nucleic acids and cell proteins.
Nitrosomonas ans Nitrobacter are chemoautotrophs.
Phosphorus Function -
In synthesis of nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATP, NAD, NADP, osmotic regulation and hydration, translocation of sugar, phosphorylation reactions.
- wherein
Deficiency causes mottled chlorosis, premature death, cotton rust.
Phosphorus is a constituent of nucleic acids of both DNA and RNA but absent in cell membranes and cell proteins.
Option 1)
Anabaena and Nostoc are capable of fixing nitrogen in free living state also.
This is incorrect option
Option 2)
Root nodule forming nitrogen fixers live as aerobes under free-living conditions.
This is incorrect option
Option 3)
Phosphorus is a constituent of cell membranes, certain nucleic acids and cell proteins.
This is correct option
Option 4)
Nitrosomonas ans Nitrobacter are chemoautotrophs.
This is incorrect option
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