10. Using various resources such as your school library or the internet and discussions with your teacher, trace the evolutionary stages of any one animal, say horse.
The evolutionary stages of a horse are as follows:
Period | Name of the evolutionary stage | Features of the animal |
Eocene | Eohippus | It has 4 toes, and all of them are functional. Head and neck are short |
Oligocene | Mesohippus | A slight increase in height with 3 toes on each foot |
Miocene | Merychippus | It was 100 cm tall with 3 toes on each foot. Molars were present |
Pliocene | Pliohippus | It had a single functional toe with a splint in 2 and 4 of each limb. They are 108 cm tall. |
Pleistocene | Equus | They have one toe on each foot. For grinding they have molars, and for cutting they have incisors |