Polymers (Weightage 2%)  

Topics from Polymers

  • General introduction and importance of biomolecules (3 concepts)
  • Carbohydrates - Classification: aldoses and ketoses; monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) and constituent monosaccharides of oligosacctiorides (sucrose, lactose and maltose). (27 concepts)
  • Proteins - Elementary Idea of a-amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides; Proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins, enzymes. (28 concepts)
  • Vitamins - Classification and functions. (13 concepts)
  • Nucleic Acids - Chemical constitution of DNA and RNA (3 concepts)
  • Biological functions of nucleic acids. (3 concepts)
  • Introduction to polymers (3 concepts)
  • Classification Based on Source (2 concepts)
  • Classification Based on Structure of Polymers (3 concepts)
  • Classification Based on Mode of Polymerisation (2 concepts)
  • Classification Based on Growth Polymerisation (5 concepts)
  • Types of polymerization reactions (10 concepts)
  • Copolymerisation (1 concepts)
  • Rubber (10 concepts)
  • POLYMERS (8 concepts)