Plants can be grown in (Tick the incorrect option)
(a) Soil with essential nutrients.
(b) Water with essential nutrients.
(c) Either water or soil with essential nutrients.
(d) Water or soil without essential nutrients.
The answer is the option (d) water or soil without essential nutrients.
Plants cannot grow in water or soil without essential nutrients because lack of nutrients will
lead to no growth.
Match the element with its associated functions/roles and choose the correct option among given below
Column I |
Column II |
A. Boron |
(i) Splitting of H2O to liberate O2 during photosynthesis |
B. Manganese |
(ii) Needed for synthesis of auxins |
C. Molybdenum |
(iii) Component of nitrogenase |
D. Zinc |
(iv) Pollen germination |
E. Iron |
(v) Component of ferredoxin |
(a) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D.(iv), E-(v)
(b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(ii), E-(v)
(c) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(v), E-(i)
(d) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(v), D-(i), E-(iv)
Ans. (b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(ii), E-(v)
Pollen germination |
Splitting of H2O to liberate O2 during photosynthesis |
Component of nitrogenase |
Needed for synthesis of auxins |
Component of ferredoxin |
With regard to the Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Rhizobium in association with soybean, one of the following statements/ statements does not hold true.
(a) Nitrogenase may require oxygen for its functioning.
(b) Nitrogenase is Mo- Fe protein
(c) Leg-hemoglobin is a pink-coloured pigment.
(d) Nitrogenase helps to convert N2 gas into two molecules of ammonia.
The answer is the option (a) Nitrogenase may require oxygen for its functioning
Nitrogenase is highly sensitive to oxygen. If exposed to oxygen, it makes the enzyme inactive. Therefore, nitrogenase does not require oxygen for its functioning.
Reaction carried out by N2 fixing microbes include
Which of the following statements about these equations is not true?
(a) step (i) is carried out by Nitrosomonas or Nitrococcus
(b) step (ii) is carried out by Nitrobacter
(c) both steps (i) and (ii) can be called nitrification
(d) bacteria carrying out these steps are usually photoautotrophs
Ans. The answer is the option (d) bacteria carrying out these steps are usually photoautotrophs
Explanation: Bacteria carrying out nitrogen fixation are chemoautotrophs and not photoautotrophs.
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Which one of the following symptoms is not due to manganese toxicity in plants?
(a) Calcium translocation in shoot apex is inhibited
(b) Deficiency in both Iron and Nitrogen is induced
(c) Appearance of brown spot surrounded by chlorotic veins
(d) None of the above
The answer is the option (d) None of the above
Toxicity of manganese occurs when plants absorb manganese in large amounts. This high intake causes deficiency in Iron and Nitrogen, Ca translocation in the shoot apex, brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins.
Deficiency symptoms of an element tend to appear first in young leaves. It indicates that the element is relatively immobile. Which one of the following elemental deficiency would show such symptoms?
(a) Sulphur
(b) Magnesium
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Potassium
The answer is the option (a) Sulphur
Elements other than Sulphur are highly mobile and they move from old leaves to the young.
Which one of the following statements can best explain the term critical concentration of an essential element?
(a) Essential element concentration below which plant growth is retarded.
(b) Essential element concentration below which plant growth becomes enhanced.
(c) Essential element concentration below which plant remains in the vegetative phase.
(d) None of the above
The answer is the option (a) essential element concentration below which plant growth becomes retarded.
Critical concentration is the limited concentration of essential elements in a plant that is required for its proper growth and development. If the concentration falls below this level, growth will be stunted or retarded.
View Full Answer(1)Which one of the following roles is not characteristic of an essential element?
(a) Being a component of biomolecules
(b) Changing the chemistry of soil
(c) Being a structural component of energy related chemical compounds
(d) Activation or inhibition of enzymes
The answer is the option (b) changing the chemistry of soil
Essential elements have no role in changing the chemistry of soil because soil is a non-living thing.
Hydroponics has been shown to be a successful technique for growing plants. Yet most of the crops are still grown on land. Why?
Hydroponics has been sown to be a successful technique for growing of plants, yet most of the crops are still grown on land because of the limitations that the technique poses:
a) Hydroponics is still used at experimental stages, and more developments are required before it can be used on a greater scale.
b) The initial cost of setting up the technique is extremely high. Therefore, it is not commercially viable.
c) Maintaining a high level of sterilization while growing crops is a very big problem.
d) Plants that grow through this method need nutrients and water in very frequent intervals which is rather time-consuming and problematic.
e) Since plants are grown in a laboratory, they are highly susceptible to environmental conditions.
Give the biochemical events occurring in the root nodule of a pulse plant. What is the end product? What is its fate?
Biochemical events occurring in the root nodule of a pulse plant are –
A) Rhizobium bacteria comes into contact with a susceptible root hair and begins to colonize the area of the roots.
B) The root hairs curl up after being invaded by the bacteria.
C) The infected thread formed in the roots carries the bacteria into the cortical tissue of the roots. The bacteria modify itself to Bacteroides which is rod-shaped, and as a result, the cortex and pericycle cells present in the roots divide.
D) The division of the two cells in the cortex leads to the formation of nodules.
E) A nodule is matured when it forms vascular tissues in continuation with the vascular tissues in the roots. Nitrogenase and leghaemoglobin present in the root nodules catalyze the conversion process in which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into ammonia. Ammonia is the end product of this fixation.
Equation: N2 + 8e- + 8H- + 16ATP 2NH3 + H2 + 16 ADP + 16Pi
Fate of Ammonia: Ammonia that is produced is converted into ammonium ions, which can be assimilated by plants. But since the ammonium ions are very toxic and should not be accumulated in plants, they get converted into amino acids through transamination and reductive amination.
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