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Which one of the following reprsents a palindromic sequence in DNA?

  • Option 1)

    5' - CCAATG - 3'

    3' - GAATCC - 5'

  • Option 2)

    5' - CATTAG - 3'

    3' - GATAAC - 5'

  • Option 3)

    5' - GATACC - 3'

    3' - CCTAAG - 5'

  • Option 4)

    5' - GAATTC - 3'

    3' - CTTAAG - 5'


Answers (1)



Replication Fork -

For long DNA molecules since the two strands, od DNA cannot be separated, the reparation occur within a small opening of DNA helix, referred to as replication fork.


- wherein


 In a palindrome, the base sequence in the second half of a DNA strand is the mirror image of sequence in first half. But in palindrome with rotational symmetry the base sequence in first half of one strand is mirror image of second half of complementary strand.


Option 1)

5' - CCAATG - 3'

3' - GAATCC - 5'


Option 2)

5' - CATTAG - 3'

3' - GATAAC - 5'


Option 3)

5' - GATACC - 3'

3' - CCTAAG - 5'


Option 4)

5' - GAATTC - 3'

3' - CTTAAG - 5'


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