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The electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in a medium is represented by E_{x}=0;

E_{y}={2.5\frac{N}{C}}cos\left[ \left(2 \pi \times 10^{6} \frac{rad}{m} \right ) t- \left(\pi \times 10^{-2} \frac{rad}{s} \right ) x \right ]

E_{z}=0. The wave is :


  • Option 1)

    Moving along x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 100m.

  • Option 2)

    Moving along x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.

  • Option 3)

    Moving along - x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.

  • Option 4)

    Moving along y direction with frequency 2\pi\times 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.


Answers (1)



Wave Equation -

E= E_{o} Sin w (t -frac{x}{c})

E is in y-z plane

- wherein

E - Electric field at (x,t)

Eo - Electric field amplitude

w= Angular frequency

c= Speed of light in vacuum 


 Compare with standard equation it is travelling along +x direction 

w=2\pi \times 10^{6}\:and\: K=\pi \times 10^{-2}

f=\frac{W}{2\pi }=10^{6}HZ\\ \lambda =\frac{2\pi }{K}=2\times 10^{2}m=200m

Option 1)

Moving along x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 100m.

This solution is incorrect 

Option 2)

Moving along x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.

This solution is correct 

Option 3)

Moving along - x direction with frequency 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.

This solution is incorrect 

Option 4)

Moving along y direction with frequency 2\pi\times 10^{6} Hz and wave length 200m.

This solution is incorrect 

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