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header-bg qa

The dimensions of \left( {\mu _\text{o} \varepsilon _\text{o} } \right)^{{{ - 1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{ - 1} 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} are:

  • Option 1)

    [L-1 T]

  • Option 2)

    [L T-1]

  • Option 3)

    [L1/2 T1/2]


  • Option 4)

    [L1/2 T-1/2]


Answers (1)



C = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu _{0}\epsilon _{0}}}

=> C = Speed of light

C = (\mu _{0}\epsilon _{0})^{-1/2}

C = [L1 T1]

Option 1)

[L-1 T]

this is incorrect option

Option 2)

[L T-1]

this is correct option

Option 3)

[L1/2 T1/2]


this is incorrect option

Option 4)

[L1/2 T-1/2]

this is incorrect option

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