The idea of mutations was brought forth by:
Gregor Mendal, who worked on Pisum sativum
Hardy Weinberg, who worked on allel frequencies in a population
Charles Darwin, who observed a wide variety of organism during sea voyage
Hugo do varies, who worked on evening primrose
As we discussed in concept
Hugo De Vries Mutation Theory -
This theory states that new species arise from the pre-existing one in single generation situation by sudden appearance of marked genetic variation called mutation
- wherein
According to De Vries, evolution in a discontinous and jerky process, rather than a continious and gradual one
Option 1)
Gregor Mendal, who worked on Pisum sativum
This option is incorrect.
Option 2)
Hardy Weinberg, who worked on allel frequencies in a population
This option is incorrect.
Option 3)
Charles Darwin, who observed a wide variety of organism during sea voyage
This option is incorrect.
Option 4)
Hugo do varies, who worked on evening primrose
This option is correct.
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