Directions for question:
At the OSL Prestige Motorrad – the BMW car and bike showroom at Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Kolkata – A, B, C, D and E were the five BMW car models present while P, Q and R were the three BMW motorbike models present.
Model A had the highest top speed among the cars while model R had the lowest top speed among the motorbikes. Model C was costlier than model D and model Q, but less costly than model B. Among the cars, model A was not the costliest. Model D was less costly than model E and there was no car model whose cost lay in between the cost of those two. Model E had a top speed higher than three of the car models and all of the motorbike models. Model Q was costlier than model R but less costly than model P, which had a top speed higher than that of model Q. None of the different car models had the same cost.
If motorbike model P was less costly than car model A, which in turn was not costlier than car model E, which one of the options below was the least costly of all the car and motorbike models present at the OSL Prestige Motorrad according to the information provided ?
As per the information provided, we can conclude the following :
I) Top speed :
a) Model A had the highest top speed among cars.
b) Model E had a top speed higher than three of the car models, so Model E had the second highest top speed among cars.
c) Model E had a top speed higher than all three of the motorbike models.
d) Model R had the lowest top speed among the motorbikes.
e) Model P had a top speed higher than that of model Q.
II) Cost :
a) Model B was costlier than model C, and model C was costlier than model D among cars.
b) Model C was costlier than motorbike model Q.
c) Model A was not the costliest among cars.
d) Model E was costlier than model D and there was no car model whose cost lay in between them.
e) Model P was costlier than model Q which was costlier than model R.
Thus, arranging the models in the descending order from left to right, under the following groups, we get :
1) Cars (Top speed) : A, E, __, __, __ (B, C and E will occupy the last three spaces in any order).
2) Motorbikes (Top speed) : P, Q, R.
3) Cars (Cost) : B, C, E, D (Since none of the different car models had the same cost, A could lie anywhere between B and C or C and E, or after D).
4) Motorbikes (Cost) : P, Q, R.
5) Also regarding cost, model C > model Q (point II b). Hence, we can also conclude that regarding cost, B > Q, B > R and C > R.
If car model A was not costlier than car model E, then the arrangement in the descending order from left to right, under the head of Cars (Cost) would be : B, C, E, D, A.
Also motorbike model P was less costly than car model A.
Thus, the arrangement of the car and motorbike models in the descending order from left to right, under the head of Cost would be : B, C, E, D, A, P, Q, R.
Hence, the least costly of all the car and motorbike models present at the OSL Prestige Motorrad as per the given information was R.