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At the OSL Prestige Motorrad – the BMW car and bike showroom at Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Kolkata – A, B, C, D and E were the five BMW car models present while P, Q and R were the three BMW motorbike models present. 

Model A had the highest top speed among the cars while model R had the lowest top speed among the motorbikes. Model C was costlier than model D and model Q, but less costly than model B. Among the cars, model A was not the costliest. Model D was less costly than model E and there was no car model whose cost lay in between the cost of those two. Model E had a top speed higher than three of the car models and all of the motorbike models. Model Q was costlier than model R but less costly than model P, which had a top speed higher than that of model Q. None of the different car models had the same cost.


If motorbike model P was more costly than car model E, how many BMW cars present at the OSL Prestige Motorrad were less costly than motorbike model P ?


Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4

Cannot be determined



Answers (1)


As per the information provided, we can conclude the following :

I) Top speed :

a) Model A had the highest top speed among cars.

b) Model E had a top speed higher than three of the car models, so Model E had the second highest top speed among cars.

c) Model E had a top speed higher than all three of the motorbike models.

d) Model R had the lowest top speed among the motorbikes.

e) Model P had a top speed higher than that of model Q.

II) Cost :

a) Model B was costlier than model C, and model C was costlier than model D among cars.

b) Model C was costlier than motorbike model Q.

c) Model A was not the costliest among cars.

d) Model E was costlier than model D and there was no car model whose cost lay in between them.

e) Model P was costlier than model Q which was costlier than model R.

Arranging the models in the descending order from left to right, under the following groups, we get :

1) Cars (Top speed) : A,  E,  __,  __,  __  (B, C and E will occupy the last three spaces in any order).

2) Motorbikes (Top speed) : P,  Q,  R.

3) Cars (Cost) : B,  C,  E,  D  (Since none of the different car models had the same cost, A could lie anywhere between B and C or C and E, or after D).

4) Motorbikes (Cost) : P,  Q,  R.

5) Also regarding cost, model C > model Q (point II b). Hence, we can also conclude that regarding cost, B > Q, B > R and C > R.

If motorbike model P was more costly than car model E, apart from concluding that model P was also costlier than car model D, we cannot comment anything about the order of the other models, and hence the relationship in the order of model P with that of the other models.

Hence, cannot be determined.


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