Q. 8 Show that the relation R in the set given by
, is an equivalence relation. Show that all the
elements of are related to each other and all the elements of
related to each other. But no element of is related to any element of
Let there be then
which is even number. Hence, it is reflexive
Let where
Hence, it is symmetric
Now, let
are even number i.e.
are even
then, is even (sum of even integer is even)
So, . Hence, it is transitive.
Thus, it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive i.e. it is an equivalence relation.
The elements of are related to each other because the difference of odd numbers gives even number and in this set all numbers are odd.
The elements of are related to each other because the difference of even number is even number and in this set, all numbers are even.
The element of is not related to
because a difference of odd and even number is not even.