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Waterlogging and soil salinity are some of the problems that have come in the wake of the Green Revolution. Discuss their causes and adverse effects on the environment.


Answers (1)

Waterlogging and soil salinity are some of the problems that have come in the wake of the green revolution.

 Causes of waterlogging and soil salinity:

  1. Many canals were built to implement the Green Revolution. This made for easy availability of water for irrigation. Excess use of water during irrigation results in waterlogging. This draws salt to the soil surface and increases soil salinity.
  2.  Also, excess use of fertilizers has led to the accumulation of many unused salts resulting in soil salinity.

Effects of Water Logging:

(a) Increases soil salinity.

(b) Many crops cannot survive in water-logged conditions.

(c) A prolonged period of waterlogging will reduce the number of microorganisms and creatures in the soil. This will reduce biodiversity in the soil.

(d) Decomposition of organic matter in stagnant water will release methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas.

Effects of Soil Salinity:

(a) Most of the plants cannot survive in saline soil leading to a reduction in the growth of crops. Root cells get shrunk due to saline water.

(b) Soil will become barren, causing extreme damage to agriculture.

(c) Desertification may take place.

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