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What are recombinant DNA vaccines? Give two examples of such vaccines. Discuss their advantages.

Answers (1)

In a recombinant DNA vaccine, only one or two antigen is inserted into the DNA of a suitable host. Recombinant DNA technology enables to make vaccines on a larger scale with least chances of contamination. These are cheaper. Examples include Hepatitis B and HPV Vaccine

Cell culture is used to do large-scale production. A suitable animal (ex-horse) is injected with strains of pathogen and antigens are produced in the horse's cells. Antigens are then extracted from the horse's serum. However, there are many shortcomings to this method –

  • Due to the possibility of contamination, there are chances of contracting other diseases
  • The method is challenged by Animal Rights Activists.

Recombinant DNA technology can address these issues as yeast is required to produce the vaccine, and large-scale production can be done at a lower cost.

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