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What are the methods of cancer detection? Describe the common approaches for the treatment of cancer.

Answers (1)

Following are the methods of cancer detection:

Biopsy: A small fragment of the concerning tissue is extracted and then goes through histopathological study.

Blood Test and Bone Marrow Test: Increased levels of cell count can be gauged from this test.

Imagery Technique: Internal organs can be diagnosed by X-ray, CT scan and MRI.

Apart from the above mentioned techniques, antibodies against cancer-specific antigens and molecular biotechnology are also used in certain cases.

Common approaches of treatment involve surgery, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy:

  1. Surgery: It can be used to remove the tumour.
  2. Radiotherapy: Radioactive rays can be utilised to destroy cancerous cells, with minimal impact to normal cells.
  3. Immunotherapy: Chemotherapeutic drugs are used to destroy cancer cells. It involves the use of Interferon alfa, which helps the body's immune system to respond to cancer.
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