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What is Kranz's Anatomy?


Answers (1)


C4 plants are unique in having the special type of leaf anatomy, they respond to the high light intensities, bear high temperature, lack photorespiration, and produce greater biomass.   The large cells that surround the vascular bundles in C4 pathway plants are known as bundle sheath cells and the leaves having such type of anatomy called have ‘kranz’ anatomy.  The simple meaning of ‘Kranz’ is ‘wreath’ that shows the arrangement of the cells. Several layers can be formed that surround vascular bundles by bundle sheath cells. These cells have a number of chloroplasts, no intercellular space, and thick walls that are impervious to the exchange of gases.

You can observe the distribution of the cells and the ‘kranz’ anatomy by cutting out a section of leaves of sorghum or maize (C4 plants)

Posted by

Irshad Anwar

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