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10. Write a short note on

(c) Behavioural adaptations in animals

Answers (1)

Behavioural adaptations in animals

Various organisms are affected by various environmental conditions. To overcome these environmental conditions,

  • Organisms undergo adaptations such as migration, hibernation, aestivation, etc.
  • The adaptations in the behaviour of an organism are called behavioural adaptations. For example, ectothermic animals and certain endotherms exhibit behavioural adaptations. Ectotherms are cold-blooded animals such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, etc. Their temperature varies with their surroundings.
  • For example, the desert lizard basks in the sun during the early hours when the temperature is quite low. However, as the temperature begins to rise, the lizard burrows itself inside the sand to escape the scorching sun. Similar burrowing strategies are exhibited by other desert animals. 
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